Moshi Moshi, my name is

Mohammed Khalil

     I’m a Junior ML Researcher, Software Developer, and Data Analyst with a Self-Education background, currently seeking job opportunities or internships whilst writing papers and building personal projects. I work with various programming languages and collaborate with different people. I enjoy working with NLP, Optimization, Bioinformatics and Python.


About me

As someone aspiring to be an ML Researcher, the ban imposed on my country was no small hindrance to achieving my dreams. But driven by my passion for Computer Science and my love for AI and CS, I took the initiative to Self-Education

Determined to immerse myself fully in the field, I have written papers and developed projects that enhanced my skills as a research and a software developer, particularly in research, coding and problem-solving. These experiences have equipped me with the skills and confidence to contribute meaningfully to ML Research and the tech industry. I am currently seeking job opportunities or internships in ML Research, Data Analysis, or BackEnd Development (Flask/Django).

Here are a few technologies I work with:

  • Python
  • C-Lang
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • SQLite
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Flask
  • Django
  • PyTorch
  • Bash
  • Git
  • Github
  • Docker
  • AWS
  • Google Cloud
  • Linux

Get in touch

Want me to contribute to a project, have a question or proposal, or just want to say Moshi Moshi?


My some certificates from Corsera, Amigoscode and other website.

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